Today marks the end of 2020 and tomorrow is a new beginning. 2020 is definitely a tough year for me and for most people in the world, but it doesn’t mean to be the worst. Despite the cancellation of over 20 photo tours and over 50 seminars, that make up most of my salary, I tried not to be lazy and get a few things done to keep my career going. I ran 8 photo workshops this year in Antarctica, Norway, Nevada and Death Valley, I wrote 2 eBooks when I was quarantined in the basement. I presented over 70 seminars online. I did over 20 sunrise/sunset/night workshops in New Jersey since July. I have been working on global marketing and branding of Fotopro and FeiyuTech, and running monthly seminars for NiSi. I was sponsored by Phase One camera, and was appointed as the ambassador of World Wildlife Fund. I also started deep sky astrophotography seriously, which is something that I wanted to do since over 20 years ago when I started astronomy. I grew my Facebook page from 20,000 to 250,000 followers. I picked up a few online classes on different subjects that will help my future career. Last but not least, thanks everyone who support me over this tough year, special thanks to Fotopro, FeiyuTech, NiSi and Phase One USA who have been really supportive to my career this year; Lofoten Tours for the collaboration in the past 5 years and all the helps in fixing the cancellation this year; Viking International Phototours for the new partnership and trust; the photo guides and instructors who works with me this year; and my clients, friends and followers for your support in many ways! Let me share with you some of the most liked images this year, although most of them were photographed in the previous years. I am wishing you all a sparkling New Year and 2021 of new blessings!